HomeLipofilling corporal

Lipofilling corporal


Dr. Richard Fakin / Intimate / Lipofilling

Lipofilling Madrid | Zurich

Labia majora or outer lips define the exterior region of female genitalia, contouring and forming the vulva. Its aspect varies greatly from one individual to another, though younger women tend to have more voluptuous outer labia. Still, ageing causes in many female patients, atrophy and flaccidity.

Lipofilling or fat transfer, with or without excess skin excision, allows us to reshape and rejuvenate the outer labia, increasing their volume using the patient’s own tissue. Narrowing of the vaginal canal can be performed, also combined with other genital surgeries such as: inner labia reduction or pubis liposuction. Outer labia lipofilling is a safe, effective technique, with long-lasting results, conferring the female genitalia a rejuvenated look and feel, whilst maintaining functionality. Our cutting-edge fat grafting technology delivers durable, high quality results.


45 – 90 min



Fit to go back to work

3-5 days

Fit for everyday activities

3 days


Local or sedation

Recovery time

10 days

Outer labia lift surgical techniques

Autologous (patient´s own tissue) fat grafting adds volume and turgor to outer labia. Fat can be obtained from different body areas, being the thighs the most common one. The advanced fat transfer technology we employ, enhances micro-fat graft quality used in a minimally invasive procedure, that leaves no scars whatsoever. We are also able to process nano-fat, a stem cell rich solution, for intradermal injections to optimise skin quality, colour and texture, rendering a rejuvenated look.

To learn more about our lipofilling (genital surgery) procedures, see our Instagram posts

How durable is the outer labia and vaginal fat graft?

Once the fat graft has been assimilated by the body it will be permanent. However, it is important to mention that the skin ageing process will continue. To counter balance this process, our patients can have a ‘retouch’ surgery done or alternative treatments applied after a 10-15 year period.

To learn more about our lipofilling (genital surgery) procedures, see our Facebook posts

Outer labia post-operative care

It is highly recommendable not to apply any pressure to the region where the grafting has been performed after an outer labia and/or vagina lipofilling intervention.

This is a safe, effective and long-lasting procedure, nonetheless, a minor irritation in the outer genitalia might be experienced. It is recommended to wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing.

To learn more about our lipofilling (genital surgery) procedures, see our Instagram posts

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