Penis thickening and lengthening

PD Dr. Richard Fakin / Plastic Surgery / Penis thickening and lengthening

Penis enlargement

Madrid | Zurich

Increasingly, there are more men seeking to enlarge and/or lengthen their penis. In recent years, this type of surgery has become very demanded among men of different ages and the reasons may vary from purely aesthetical motives, to boosting their self-esteem or to feel sexually more confident. It is a fast and established procedure, which can positively impact the patient’s life quality. This intervention can be combined with a scrotal lift and/or with a liposuction to the pubic area.


60-120 min


same day

Fit to go back to work

3-5 days

Fit for everyday activities

4-5 weeks


Analgo-sedation or general

Recovery time

1 month

Surgical techniques for penis enlargement

The lenghtening technique used involves the detachment or release of the suspensory ligament to increase its length by 2-4 cm. A great care must be taken for the dorsal penile nerve as well as accompanying blood vessels to remain intact.

To increase the shaft`s girth, or the penis thickening, we employ the fat grafting technique, which evenly transfers and distributes the micro-fat along the entire penis shaft. State-of-the-art technology is applied, in order to significantly increase the fat cells survival rate, resulting in more successful and a longer lasting outcome.

Usually, both techniques are performed simultaneously in a single procedure. If the patient so wishes, a pubic area liposuction, augmenting the glans, and/or genital bleaching can be performed.

To learn more about Penis thickening and lengthening  procedures, see our Instagram posts.

Post-operative care

We advise not to apply any type of pressure to the penis and not to engage in sexual intercourse for at least 4 weeks after the intervention. It is recommendable to apply a controlled massage to the area, in order to provide an even distribution of the transferred fat. It is also advisable to wear supporting garments.

To learn more about Penis thickening and lengthening  procedures, see our Facebook posts.

Dr Fakin’s experience in penis thickening and/or lengthening surgery

PD Dr. Richard Fakin is an internationally renowned reconstructive, aesthetic and genital surgery expert, author of numerous scientific publications. His knowledge of the genital anatomy is crucial when performing these procedures in a safe and highly precise manner.

To learn more about Penis thickening and lengthening  procedures, see our Instagram posts.
