Breast Implant Replacement

PD Dr. Richard Fakin / Plastic Surgery / Breast Implant Replacement

Breast Implant Replacement

Madrid | Zurich

There are different reasons why it might be necessary to replace or exchange breast implants. One of the most frequent is the occurrence of capsular fibrosis or capsular contracture, which usually happens around 10-12 years after its placement. This is a pathology associated to the type of materials previously used in the implants. Its incidence has nowadays been greatly minimised, due to modern technology and next generation quality implants.

In some other cases, as a natural consequence of ageing, breast may naturally sag, with or without implants. This might become a reason for an implant replacement or change, out of a purely aesthetical wish.

Choosing the most appropriate implant will be determined by multiple variables, such as the state of the current implant, its position in relation to the gland, skin quality and the patient’s own beauty ideals. In many cases the implant change can be combined with a Breast Lift procedure, to balance its definite shape and size.


60-120 min



Fit to go back to work

3 – 6 days

Fit for everyday activities

3 days



Recovery time

4-6 weeks


JOY is an all-in-one program that provides women with a premium breast augmentation experience. It includes the latest Motiva® implant technology through Ergonomix2® a minimal-incision procedure delivered by JOY partners, and support for their journey through our interactive digital tools. It’s an honor for Dr.Fakin to be part of this proyect.

Which are the most recommended implant brands?

Personal preferences, anatomical size and shape determine what brand is best suited for each individual patient. Every single brand we work with is fully approved, provides specific implant properties, and uses state of the art, lifetime warranty materials.

  • Motiva: next generation breast implants, ergonomic and smooth. Presenting very low long-term capsular fibrosis rates
  • B-lite: A very light implant, with a 30% less weight compared to other brands with the same implant size Best suited for Breast Reconstruction.
  • Nagor: Anatomical or round implant, with an excellent value for money

To learn more about our Breast Augmentation Surgery, see our Instagram posts.

What are breast implants made of and what shapes are there available?

  • Round: Its spherical shape provides an excellent upper and lower volume balance
  • Anatomical: teardrop-shaped implant for a natural looking breast
  • Ergonomic: this is a one-of-a-kind implant designed to follow a patient’s movements. When lying down it will hold a round shape and a teardrop shape when standing. Thus behaving like a natural breast

Thera are several degrees of projection available for each shape. To achieve an ideal and stable breast shape, it is important to consider the silhouette, its location, amount of glandular tissue and skin flexibility.

It is essential to fully understand each patient’s wishes to achieve a natural looking, attractive neckline.

To learn more about our Breast Implant Replacement surgeries, see our Facebook posts.

Additional alternatives for patients who do not wish to have implants anymore

Some women, for different reasons, may wish to definitely have their current breast implant removed, and still have a attractive breast. In this case, the removal can be done combining different surgical procedures, optimising the breasts shape and size without requiring the use of implants. These procedures include Breast Lifting and/or Fat Transfer.

To learn more about our Breast Implant Replacement surgeries, see our Instagram posts.

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