
PD Dr. Richard Fakin / Plastic Surgery / Abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty Woman and Man

Madrid | Zurich

The abdomen and flanks can undergo considerable transformations for reasons such as; changes in weight, hormonal status, age or lifestyle. In addition, with the passage of time, significant changes occur at the skin level, losing its youthful elasticity. A tummy tuck redefines abdominal toning, shape and size and in many cases repairs pathologies such as the separation of the rectus abdominis muscles (diastasis) or hernias.

To achieve optimal and attractive results it is crucial to choose a customized abdominoplasty adapted to the individual level. There is a wide variety of surgical techniques such as; mini-abdominoplasty, hybrid abdominoplasty, complete abdominoplasty and in combination with lipo-suction . The immediate results offer an aesthetic form that in many cases it would not be possible to obtain either with the practice of sport or with a change in lifestyle.


1.5 – 2.5 hours


Next day

Fit to go back to work

7 days

Fit for everyday activities

5 days


General sedation with local anesthesia

Recovery time

4 – 6 weeks

Abdominoplasty Surgical Techniques and Additional Treatments

The dimension of the abdominoplasty is defined according to the physiognomy and the wishes of our patients:

Mini-abdominoplasty:  includes a discreet resection of the infra-umbilical skin with or without simultaneous removal of local fat

“Floating navel”:  it also includes the separation of the navel from its base to reposition it in the most appropriate position once excess fat and skin have been removed

Complete abdominoplasty:  provides a maximum resection of abdominal fat and skin, eliminating practically the entire area between the navel and the pubis, reinserting the navel in its new correct position at the level of the anterior superior iliac spine.

Hybrid tummy tuck:  further fused with a  full 360  degree liposuction over the entire anterior and posterior trunk area

All forms of abdominoplasty shape a proportionate and more attractive silhouette with beneficial effects on the pubic area, flanks and back.

With the fat obtained after liposuction we can use it and transfer it to different areas of the body or face in the form of  micro (face)  or  macro fat (body) . Thanks to the high concentration of stem cells that contain nanofat, its intradermal injections allow to significantly improve the appearance and quality of the skin.
Many of our patients decide to combine abdominoplasty with  breast surgery  in the same intervention.

Learn more about custom Abdominoplasty procedures on  our  Instagram profile

Postoperative care of abdominoplasty

At PD Dr. Richard Fakin ‘s clinics we significantly prevent the discomfort of all our patients. Usually, we perform a temporary local paralysis of the sensory nerves and the abdominal muscle fascia, almost completely reducing discomfort in the subsequent postoperative course.
We will provide you with a specific compaction belt, which you will have to use within 6 weeks.

Learn more about custom Abdominoplasty procedures on our Facebook profile

Real cases before and after
