Breast Fat Grafting

PD Dr. Richard Fakin / Plastic Surgery / Breast Fat Grafting

Breast Fat Grafting

Madrid | Zurich

Fat Grafting and Lipotransfer are innovative procedures that have totally transformed Breast Augmentation techniques. Among its advantages, we find the option of not using gel silicone implants, thus obtaining more natural looking results.

Our patients’ satisfaction is constantly growing. Our use of avant-garde technology maximises the fat transferred cell’s life span, allowing for a minimised reabsorption, and thus better results. In addition, once the transferred fat gets incorporated into the breast its longevity is indefinite.


60-120 min



Fit to go back to work

5 days

Fit for everyday activities

3-5 days


Sedation / General

Recovery time

2-3 weeks

How is breast lipotransfer done?

In the first place, fat is harvested through liposuction from one part of the body and then transferred to the breasts. Therefore, at the same time, excess fat in the body areas such as abdomen, legs or hips can be removed using a high definition liposuction, helping achieve a better-looking body contour.

Collected fat is then treated and purified using the appropriate technology. Thus, obtaining a high-quality graft, with minimal fat reabsorption, increasing its durability as a result.

Fat is transferred using very thin cannulas, leaving no marks whatsoever in the breast area. This area is predetermined by a patient and a surgeon during the pre-surgery consultation.

To learn more about our Fat Grafting procedures, see our Instagram posts.

How long will it take to recover from a Breast Lipofilling?

Once the graft has been placed, the resulting size and shape are long lasting, with no migration risk.

Once the desired breast size and shape is achieved, we will provide our patients a special type of bra, which they will need to use for 6 weeks. During this period no pressure should be applied to the breasts.

To learn more about our Fat Grafting procedures, see our Facebook posts.

What are Breast Fat Grafting advantages and its additional alternatives?

Its main advantage is to increase the breasts size and/or optimise their shape using the patient’s own tissue. Thus, preventing the need to implant a foreign body. Additionally, this intervention can be combined with Breast Augmentation using implants, resulting in a natural look and feel.

This intervention can be done as a secondary surgery after a Breast Enlargement, to optimise shape, size and rippling.

The additional procedure to a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation, is a Breast Enlargement Surgery using implants.

To learn more about our Breast Fat Grafting procedures, see our Instagram posts.

Real before and after cases
